Desert Hike Mountain Ocean Travel

Hiking the Trans-Catalina Trail

Trans-Catalina Trail
Opening this year was the Trans-Catalina Trail which extends from tip to toe along a 37.2 mile path. It’s fairly well marked and in good condition but that didn’t prevent me from getting lost for a while.

No, I did not hike the full length of trail which begins in the far north of Catalina at Starlight Beach and finishes in the far south at Pebbly Beach. I did what was a reasonable one-day outing, a total distance was around 12 miles.

Trans-Catalina Trail

Crazy as it sounds I hiked from Point B to Point A. Up at 7:00 AM I caught the 7:30 Avalon bus to the airport and by 8:30 was already hiking. It was a good day for hiking but I suspect most days are pretty pleasant so long as you carry lots of water. Except for a one-hour “detour” due to confusing markings I had a pretty easy time staying on the trail. Occasional bison or fox kept me intrigued and the views were wonderful during most of the hike. By the time I got back to town though I was plenty ready to put my feet up and drink a large bottle of something cold.

Outings such as this are rewarding to me. Sure I was exhausted but I’d done something special. I’d hiked a trail that had only recently opened and which wasn’t available to most people. I was on Catalina Island, I was going to spend the evening listening to live jazz, and when I my head hit the pillow it was going to be in the quiet and lovely town of Avalon. What a great day!

Trans-Catalina Trail

Walk the trail with me in the series of pictures below. It just dances across the surface of the hike but you’ll get a feel for what it’s like to trek on dry and beautiful Catalina Island.

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By TravisGood

Speaker. Maker. Writer. Traveler. Father. Husband.

MakerCon Co-Chair (
Maker City San Diego Roundtable Member
San Diego Maker Faire Producer (

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