In Memorial of President Roosevelt

Surrounding this wilderness island is civilization: the buildings and roads of our Nation’s Capital. As you look out from around the island’s perimeter you can see spectacular evidence of this: the Kennedy Center, Georgetown University, Lincoln Memorial, the Washington Monument, Jefferson Memorial and much more. Turn inward toward the island’s center and all you see is a beautiful park.

At the heart of this a island is a memorial plaza in honor of our 26th President, the Conservation President. His leadership changed our country’s perception of America’s natural resources and greatly expanded the role of the Federal Government in conservation.

An Island Park in the Potomac

Interesting Facts:

  1. Was related to both President & Mrs. FDR.

  2. The “Teddy Bear” is named after President Roosevelt.

Conservation Acts

Established Forest Service

Preserved 230 Million Acres

Created National Parks (5)

National Forests (150)

National Monuments (18)

Bird Reservations (51)

Other Interesting Facts

Coined term “White House.”

First Pres to get Nobel Prize.

Force behind Panama Canal.







National Cemetary






In 1923 the island was purchased by the Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Association and later turned over to the National Park Service to operate. Years later a memorial plaza was constructed and in 1967 it was dedicated.

I found this island to be an oasis of nature in a sea of civilization.

Click on either picture to view a photo gallery of my visit.