Historical Mountain Museum River Road Travel

A Varied Path Home

Museum of the Appalachia
Museum of Appalachia is a living village of farming life. It reflects the simple but difficult life of those eking out an existence in mountains of eastern WV, Kentucky and Tennessee during the 19th century

Often the last leg of my trips is simply about getting home. However, this time I wasn’t shooting to break land speed records so I wove in a few interesting distractions into each day. Given the new path I had chosen for my return, finding new things wasn’t difficult. 

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Bike Hike Mountain Road Travel

Where Prairies Meet Rockies

Air Force Academy Chapel
This striking building is the Chapel at the U.S. Air Force Academy. When the ambition is to build a national-monument calibre school in little time then including architecture such as this can go a long way toward accomplishing the goal.

Boulder … Denver … Colorado Springs, all major Colorado cities sitting at the edge of the Great Plains with their backs to the Rockies. All relatively close to one another and all very worthy of exploration. Here I paused for two days in my cross-country drive to get exercise and enjoy the uncharacteristically warm weather. 

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Historical Mountain Museum River Road Travel

Touring Western Living

Two Headed Cow
Everyone needs to see the two-headed calf. This kind of oddity would get talked about and draw people into businesses. In this case, the stuffed contrivance was used by a pub in Boise to attract patrons.

Time to meander home. Why “meander”? The fact is that all the primary east-west routes via the Interstate Highways I’ve already explored. Sure, there’s alway more to see but they’re not the rich passageways as they once were.  By taking secondary highways and especially diagonal highways I come across abundant new veins of discovery to mine.

Not in keeping with the above, I started down the Columbia River Gorge which I love, love, love to drive. However, once I emerged on the east side of the Cascade Mountains I jumped on a quiet road, the John Day Highway, to the National Monument I had once visited too briefly. Then I cut east through the Blue Mountains to historic Baker City

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Animal Bridge Mountain Museum Ocean Sunset Travel

California’s Glorious Middle Coast

Monarch Butterflies
For a long time I’ve known about the Monarch migration to Guadalajara in Mexico. However, it turns out that Monarchs west of the Rockies head to Pismo Beach where I went and saw thousands!

Normally I drop into a rut when I drive up the California coast: relax, enjoy becomes hurry up, running late. To reset where my rhythm kicks in I reached the coast via a new route. Now I had the luxury of suffering the same pattern but starting at a different spot on the coast.

Back when we lived in Los Angeles, Beth and I talked about living in San Luis Obispo some day. Why? It’s not too complicated an answer. SLO lies along the glorious stretch of California coast, has a large enough population to have all necessary services and benefits from having a local university: Cal Poly

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Historical Mountain Road Travel

Finishing Up Arizona

Arizona Driving Route
When you’re weaving together loose strands of previous Arizona agendas you can cover quite some distance. Still left to cover is the Tonto National Monument which was unavailable to visit due to road closures.

Could I visit the last of NPS sites in Arizona on this trip? Perhaps not but I was going to try. If only I could keep from becoming distracted by serendipitously discovered sites worth visiting, beautiful locations worth taking pictures of, or parks worth hiking. For me, this tension always exists.  

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Mountain Road Travel

Badlands: The one that got away.

Garden of the Gods
Mysterious to the point of feeling eerie, the Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs will also take your breath away. This little gem is accompanied by an excellent Visitors Center. Well worth the side trip.

To a great extent I stayed focused on my “12 Great Hikes” trip. Tempted to visit the Grand Canyon, I avoided it. Drawn toward Zion, I repelled it. Pulled upon by Arches, I steered clear. It was emotionally difficult but my days were numbered and I had a goal to achieve. Where I slipped was in the Badlands.

With its long-eroded formations, Badlands National Park has a different character throughout the day. The first time I visited was in the late afternoon and early evening where the affect of the setting sun left me with a feeling of awe. I took pictures galore and enjoyed tootling around very much. In a place with so much character I was yearning to see it in the morning light … and that’s exactly what I did this time.

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Falls Hike Mountain Road Travel

Sequoia and Kings Canyon NPs

Catalina Casino
My turn-around point was off the coast of Los Angeles where I attended the JazzTrax festival, a perennial favorite, and home of the world famous Avalon Casino.

Great Hike: Zumwalt Meadows

Sequoia and Kings Canyon are two national parks which share a border. They’re both vast, their histories are intertwined and they are run out of the NPS as one unit. Given I had one day to take in both of them I made a plan to skim the surface. No time for extensive hikes but I’d make every effort to pass though each of their five regions and visit its primary sites, as recommended by Park Rangers. First stop was the Visitors Center for advice on how best to spend my time.

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Canyon Falls Mountain Travel

Yosemite NP

Mono Lake
As you exit Yosemite in the east, you arrive at Mono Lake. While drab on the surface, its waters support migratory birds with brine shrimp and fly populations galore.

Great Hike: Four-Mile Up and Panorama+Mist Down

Twice in the past few years I’ve visited Yosemite Valley. Once it was a cold and slushy mess after a snow storm and once it was a flooded and rockslide-ridden jumble after a rain storm. Adding insult to injury, last time I even got a flat tire! Imagine how exited I was then to learn I would be in Yosemite for three days with crisp air, cool temps, and hardly a cloud in the sky! I was ready to enjoyed this park!

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Hike Lake Mountain Road Travel

Crater Lake NP

Touching Crater Lake
Everyone has those silly little things they want to accomplish. One of mine was to touch the water of Crater Lake. Now I've done it and here is the proof!

Great Hike: Sun Notch Trail

The hike I chose is more a sentimental favorite for me and perhaps not for everyone. Sun Notch Trail is short (0.5 miles), relatively level, and not exactly full of sites to see. However, parts of the trail along the cliffs provide excellent views of Phantom Rock, a deliriously appealing island within Crater Lake. I’ve visited the park three times in the past few years and was never able to get close to Phantom Rock due to weather. This time on this trail I was practically on top of it while the morning sun made it shine. Finally I was able to photograph her in detail.

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Hike Mountain Road Travel

Lassen Volcanic NP

Muffler Man Cowboy
Muffler Men are everywhere! Even on backroads in the middle of nowhere they can be found, with unique character and custom detailing, in magnificent shape and accompanied by a Guest Book which request you provide your contact information!

Great Hike: Bumpass Hell

Until I arrived at the hydrothermal basin at the end of Bumpass Hell Trail I wasn’t sure which path I’d select as my Great Hike. Many were enjoyable but this one had steam plumes, radiant ground colors, bubbling waters, and the smell of sulfur in the air. Add that my best views of Lassen Peak came from along the trail and you’ve got the winner. It was a crowded path on this beautiful Saturday but well worth the 3 mile effort each way.

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