Family Hike Travel

Walking to know Manhattan

Central Park Reservoir
Smack in the middle of Central Park is NYC’s reservoir named after Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis. It’s a stunning contrast of flat water to New York skyline and Kelsey captured it nicely at dusk.

Kelsey and I left Saturday morning for NYC. We arrived around 2:00PM and proceeded to walk from Macy’s on 34th Street up to and meandering through Central Park to visit Columbia University before heading to our hostel on 103rd and Amsterdam. The following morning we took a subway up and out of Manhattan to just over the river in The Bronx. From there we spent 5.5 hours walking down Broadway the entire 14 mile length of Manhattan to Wall Street and Battery Park. Before 36 hours had passed we were back home in D.C. 

What a great orienting adventure for my little lady!

It was a beautiful day and a great hike.

Kelsey at the 225th Street Station
Our starting point just north of the river on Broadway in The Bronx.
Kelsey in Times Square
At Times Square where at periodically it was wall-to-wall people.
Kelsey on Wall Street
Nearing the end of our walk at Wall Street with the famous symbol of the Bull.
Kelsey at Battery Park
And finally in Battery Park at the southern tip of Manhattan with the Statue of Liberty (L) and Ellis Island (R).
Manhattan Route down Broadway
Our route down Manhattan along Broadway.



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By TravisGood

Speaker. Maker. Writer. Traveler. Father. Husband.

MakerCon Co-Chair (
Maker City San Diego Roundtable Member
San Diego Maker Faire Producer (

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